Making Money by Buying and Selling Websites
As with any business, there are advantages and disadvantages to buying and selling websites. However, if the sales process is done correctly, you can earn quite a lot of money.
We can compare buying and selling websites just like buying and selling cars. A person who acquires this profession buys a car at an affordable price, carries out basic maintenance and sells it with a profit share on it. There is a basic business logic.
However, there is a fundamental difference between buying and selling cars and homes and buying and selling websites. That is to be able to generate monthly income from the websites you have until you sell.
Make money by selling websites |
Let's take a detailed look at the stages of making money by buying and selling websites.
1. Be aware of the limits
Money and time ...
You have to be honest.
How much money are you willing to lose?
So if you can't sell the site you bought for 10,000 lira, that is, if you sink your money, can you survive? Does this loss upset your entire material balance?
First of all, you need to know how much money you can invest in this business. You should then consider how much time you can devote to this task. Website trading is usually a passive process, meaning you buy the site and expect it to be sold. However, you should also actively work to increase the value, traffic and monthly income of the site. For this reason, we recommend that you consider money and time considerations thoroughly when entering the website trading business.
2.Learn Sites That Will Do Business Forever
There is a term called "Evergreen". This is a name given to trees that remain green for 365 days. Such websites are also not affected by seasonality or temporary trends. For example, a website about health, electronics, clothing, sports, entrepreneurship, beauty and care gets traffic every month of the year. However, the lifetime of a thematic web site with the theme "wheel of stress" is maximum 6 months. So you have to consider the lifetime of the site. If you buy a website related to a product whose sale is prohibited due to legal regulation, your investment may be wasted. For this reason, we can advise you to stay away from websites about a legally controversial subject.
The best part of getting a website with established and regular traffic is that the site has a certain history and performance. If the site earns $1500 a month from organic traffic, you also know the keywords this site has. You can optimize these keywords, organize the site's ad placement, and optimize affiliate programs.
Also, getting sites that match your interests makes the process fun for you. For example, if you are interested in electronics and technology, you can buy a website about it. Your interventions to the content of the site will be more meaningful and enjoyable.
In summary, try to focus on the following sites:
Popular topic sites for 4 seasons
Sites with future potential
Sites with topics of interest to you
3. Track Website Platforms for Sale
Websites for sale are often of poor quality. Weeding out weak sites is also a business in itself. But remember: the more you pay, the more you get. Do not think that you can buy a website with a monthly income of $3000 for $5000. Maybe if the site is very fresh, but this is an exception.
Generally, for a website that sells for less than $ 50,000, the sales price is as much as the site's 12 to 18 months' advertising earnings. If a site earns $ 1000 per month, it's something to be expected to cost between $ 12,000 and $ 18,000.
However, do not forget that each site has its own dynamics. Great opportunities can be seized anyway. In particular, you can close a site that is on a growth route to a suitable number.
You can access domestic and foreign sites for sale on the following platforms: (We can say that this is the first channel that comes to mind about site trading worldwide)
Google searches
4. Analyze Ads For Sale
Why is the site sold? A niche-themed website, a website that sells extreme products (movie download site, +18 content), a website whose traffic is heavily hit after Google updates… You should stay away from such sites.
Can the site owner provide evidence? Can the person posting the ad for sale share data on the traffic and monthly earnings of the site with you? Does the Google Analytics data match the site owner's statement? If you feel inconsistent in the site owner's comments, it would be good to skip that site.
Does the seller give confidence? Examine the seller's member profile on the sales platform, search the seller on social media and Google. Review comments on other trades this person has made.
5. Review Site Performance
If the site passes the previous stage, you need to do a deeper and more technical analysis.
Site traffic: Has there ever been a time when the site was down? Is the traffic source evenly distributed, or is most of the traffic from a single source? Which sites have backlinks given to the site? Will these links remain after sales? Or are these links from other sites of the site owner?
Proof of monthly earnings: If possible, ask the seller for a video showing the site's monthly earnings. In other words, the site owner will show you the monthly earnings clearly by saving the screenshot. Or let your Google Adsense URL look for you.
Dialogue with the seller : You can have a one-on-one chat with the seller by making a phone call. In this way, you will learn the style and attitude of this person and you will have a chance to negotiate a clearer price.
Expert advice: If you have any questions about how to continue the process, you can benefit from expert interviews on the trading platforms. Third parties do not look emotionally on the trading process, they look completely professional.
6. Make the Right Offer
If you feel a website is for you, make an offer to buy it. The important thing in trading is to start with the lowest price you will give, but you should also attract the attention of the seller by offering a reasonable price to the site.
So: If a website is priced at $20,000 and the site's 18-month advertising revenue is around $20,000, bidding $5,000 to the buyer to buy this site will not get you anywhere. However, it is ideal to start your bid at around $ 14,000.
While saying why you are recommending a lower number, talking about some of the negativities of the site also strengthens your hand. Also, if you can prove that you have cash and earn the trust of the seller, the site may be more likely to be sold to you versus someone who is paying a higher price. In other words, there will be a difference between someone who will receive $17,000 in cash and someone who will receive 3 installments for $20,000.
7.Start Studies
After purchasing the site, it is time to get started. The more you increase the monthly earnings of your site, the higher the price you sell the site. There are thousands of articles and resources on the internet about gaining traffic and monetization of the website. We strongly recommend that you take a look at the comprehensive guide articles we have prepared as New Business Ideas on this subject.
If you do not have the time, resources and energy to carry out this process alone, get help from a digital marketing agency that has references and studies for this job or a freelance business. In other words , try to improve your existing website by getting services in digital marketing, especially in search engine optimization ( SEO ).
Also, automate the updating and maintenance of the sites you keep for sale as much as possible and minimize manual work. In other words, prefer to work smart instead of working hard.
8. Evaluate the Selling Decision
If the website you have is interesting enough, that is, if you have a regular monthly advertising revenue and its traffic is increasing, the time of sale is approaching.
To understand that it's time to sell, you should answer the following questions:
Have I tried all the ways to increase the site's traffic and revenue? Most sellers make a sales decision by answering "Yes" to this question. But the buyer can get an opportunity you haven't seen and get more efficiency from the site. This is also quite normal.
How much did I get the return on investment? If you sell the site right now, how much profit will you be with the advertising revenue you earn?
What will my new plan be when I sell my site? Are you going to sell a site you have for investment in other projects and sites? Before selling the site, it is useful to make future plans and research. Also, the best time to sell the site may be when the revenues are the highest. If you are faced with a sector-based crisis, it may be useful to wait. On the other hand, the summer season is also a stagnant period for site trading. Of course, sectors such as the hotel sector, which are booming in the summer, are exceptions.
9. Sell Your Site
Now we come to the best part. Selling a website is about selling a product online. It is necessary to deliver and show the product to the audience that will be most interested in the product. The channels where the website is bought and sold are also the channels where your target audience is located.
Here are a few things to consider when selling the website you have:
Be prepared: Have your site's traffic and monthly revenue statistics ready before sales. Affiliate links, Google Analytics data, monthly traffic and advertising revenue reports ...
Be honest: Show the correct data to the person or people who want to buy the site in your possession. So make people trust you.
Professionals are specialized in reasonable pricing and the time required for sales. You can also try to get advice from those who do this job.
10. Repeat The Process
If you experience this whole process working, all you have to do is repeat the same thing. Don't give up if you lose money the first time or can't sell the site. Use your first site as an opportunity to gain experience and gain insight into the details of this job. Over time, you gain experience and knowledge and start earning money from this business.
A friend of mine bought a foreign site for $2500 last month. This site was currently earning around $250 per month in advertising revenue. This friend of mine did not increase the amount of traffic coming to the site, but he changed the advertising method of the site and the monthly advertising revenue of the site increased to $2000. 3 months later, he sold this site for $25,000. In other words, he made almost 30,000 profits from this site.
This example might be a bit extreme. Achieving such an astronomical profit margin may not be easy and requires expertise. However, just like the real estate industry, the value of websites and domains increases in the long run.
If you are also familiar with the website buying and selling process, or if you have any questions, you can share them in the comments.
Profits already!